McLelland, MJ, 'Race' on the Japanese Internet: Discussing Korea and Koreans on '2-Channeru', New Media & Society, 10(6), pp. 811-829, 2008.*1ひどい論文の紹介。おまけに私の専門外。世の中にはくだらないものが溢れているわけで、それをいちいち…
何荣伟 ed. 满语365句, 辽宁民族出编社, 2009.This book is accompanied by a CD, and Manchu utterances were recited by a Sibe announcer. I am curious about exactly what this language is. She pronounced Manchu spellings rather faithfully. But j…
By YU Wonsoo, KWON Jae-il, CHOI Moon-Jeong, SHIN Yong-kwon, BORJIGIN Bayarmend, Luvsandorj BOLD, Seoul University Press, 2008.ソウル大学校出版文化院の Altaic Languages Series の 2 冊目。Materials of Spoken Manchu とあわせて購入。久しぶりに…