Lindell Bromham, Xia Hua, Thomas G. Fitzpatrick, Simon J. Greenhill. Rate of language evolution is affected by population size. PNAS, vol. 112 no. 7. 2015.言語の変化速度と話者数 (人口) の関係を調べている。変化速度は基礎語彙の gain/loss に…
Michael Dunn, Simon J. Greenhill, Stephen C. Levinson and Russell D. Gray. Evolved structure of language shows lineage-specific trends in word-order universals. Nature 473. (2011).類型論の特徴量がどのように時間変化するかに最近取り組んでい…
Daniel J. Hruschka, Simon Branford, Eric D. Smith, Jon Wilkins, Andrew Meade, Mark Pagel, and Tanmoy Bhattacharya. Detecting Regular Sound Changes in Linguistics as Events of Concerted Evolution. Current Biology, 25(1), 2015.音変化を統計的…